There are no restrictions to any of the Group one must belong to. You can be a member in any of the Groups, and only seizes to be automatically deregistered as a member, that is, if you break the rules.
We Offer Opportunities ...
W2NP offers Nigerians diverse opportunities for empowerment, growth and successes. Through the collective efforts of group membership, W2NP engages members knowledge, skills and talent empowerment, and the advancement of shared-values. This we bring together respective of age, the Nigeria-spirt of nation-building, cultural preservation, promotion and the protection of the Nigerian values is what we all have in common.
old and young professionals, skillfull and talented
Cultural Group
W2NP-CG is strictly a cultural development, promotion and orientation-focused group – where people from different cultural backgrounds and shared-traditional values and interest interact/engage with one other to propagate cultural values through special programs. Membership to the group is free and open – and does not fall under any category provided anyone who seek to be a member of the Group must posses deep interest in Nigeria culture and be willing and ready to lead the train of advocacy. Meaning, to be a member of the Group, one must be ready to participate in all its cultural promotion and development programs.
Members are entitled to numerous benefits, such as cultural industry skills acquisition and cultural-events trip and exposure, as well as contact and visit to high-net-worth traditional personalities across Nigeria. Being a member of this group exposes you to important creative cultural skills that empowers you with unique knowledge and talent to convert such know-how, art and act into wealth. Members of the group shall also enjoy free participation – to showcase their talent and skills in all W2NP cultural programs.
Youth Group
W2NP-YG is a Youth Group association, made up of members, within the national youth-age-bracket with common and shared vision of patriotism, will and selflessness towards a greater Nigeria. The group is focussed on synergistic efforts of delivering service to the nation through nation building and orientation advocacy programs.
Members of the group enjoy benefits that spans capacity building and nationhood building awards and certificate of recognition. Members are also accorded first and special place in all W2NP activities and program as Leaders-of-Tomorrow, which comes with a designated badge. The badge serves as W2NP-Guarantor
Business Group
Are you an entrepreneur, career professional, W2NP-BG is open to you for membership. This group is focussed on MSMEs and business events, activities and prospect, cutting across all economic sectors, other than the W2NP priority sectors. In this group, you will meet like minds, professionals and creative people to help you drive your business goals and strike deals. You can register to be a member, and maximized the benefits your membership and the group offers you to push your knowledge and gains ahead.
Apart from other numerous benefits, members of the Group have the opportunity to enjoy special empowerment program for free, learn new skills and promote their business on W2NP platforms. Members of the group shall enjoy free participation in all W2NP – to showcase their business, products and skills.